Based on a 3D Scan of a Real Sandeel. Swims with a seducing slim S-curve, head slight up. On the stop the lure flutters and rolls backwards triggering hard strikes. The lure has a built-in rattle chamber, that sends out a loud clicking sound, when twitched Extreme long cast design for amazing coverage. Supplied with both a single and a treble hook, with the option to add the treble hook to the belly as well 3D Scanned details • Long cast design Seducing slim S-curve action • Belly hook option • Loud rattle • Super sharp Y-treble and wide gape single supplied • Hooks, y-treble #5, wide gape single #3/0 Hooks 90mm : ST 36 Y-treble #8 • Hooks 150mm : ST 36 Y-treble #5 and J7762S #3/0 BN Διαθέσιμο σε 7 χρωματισμούς
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